Franck Ribéry a Moslem Picture

Frank Bilal Ribery or frequently we are familiar with Frank Ribery is a player who is now a French National Bayer Munich player. It is undeniable, Ribery is a player who is now the world's TOP is in the best Performance.Ribery is a player who are Muslims. He said Islam is a source of strength.''Islam is the source of my strength inside and outside the football pitch. I'm having a pretty hard life and I have to find something that brings me to safety, and me found it in moslem,''said Ribery. Ribery Islamic religion known to the public when the 2006 World Cup when France against Switzerland. It was seen Franck Ribery was praying, as did amoslem. And soon he was to publish the truth of the news. Ribery prefer to Islam because he found peace in moslem. For most Muslims, Ribery is also implementing five time prayers, fasting, praying, and doing things - things other people are doing moslem